
Willow Glen Post 318




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Post News


Welcome to Post 318's updated website.  It's been some time since we've seen everyone and we want to get back in touch with you all.  We are initiating a quarterly newsletter and would love your input, feedback, and want to know how you're doing. 

A hard copy will be going out to all our members and soft copy to all the email addresses we have.  If you would like to receive your copy by email and are not sure if we have your email address, drop us a message at membership@alcapost318.org.

The Post General Meeting is held at 7:00 PM on the 4th Wednesday of each month except June and December. All members are welcome to the meet and greet starting at 6:30 PM. Please see the Calendar page for all scheduled events.

The website is in the process of being updated. Check back often for new information. The Calendar page will be updated regularly with ways to get involved, serve your fellow veterans, and make new friends.

For those of you who shop at Lowes, to have a military discount, sign up with a Lowes account and apply for the military discount on line in order to receive a discount on line or in a store. You sign up at www.lowes.com/military after which you use your registered phone number or a Lowe’s card to receive the discount.

Your Post 318 has retired the amateur radio system. Any HAM or interested party is encouraged to contact the Santa Clara County Amateur Radio Association at https://sccara.org.

The San Jose Veterans Center is now offering a monthly newsletter. Visit http://www.regathon.com/veterans/ to sign up for the newsletter and events calendar. For information on the Friends of the San Jose Vet Center click www.knowavet.com

Santa Clara County is issuing Veterans ID Cards. Click IDCards for complete information. Application and instructions here.


Our Mission

Since our charter in 1931, our American Legion Post, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, has been welcoming VETERANS from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel who have served or are serving our country.  Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country, and Community. Our mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace and blessings for our country, friends and families embodied in our preamble.

Support Post 318

All funds raised are given back to the community. Help us to continue sponsoring our youth programs and giving aid and assistance to our local needy Veterans and their families. Help us to continue to support financially worthy community programs and projects. Join our Post as a Donor, Booster or Sponsor and consider our facility for your next event. For information call 669-333-0700 ext 2 or email info@alcapost318.org.


Military VA Loan Award

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